Since its creation in 1910, the AEPE has worked consistently to protect the work of artists with all the means at its disposal. It is now, 114 years later, that technology has enabled the launch of the AEPE SEAL.
The AEPE SEAL, based on a completely innovative system, allows the registration of ownership and authorship of a plastic work. The technology developed by Pukkart protects your works with blockchain records of authorship and ownership, guaranteeing security and traceability to ensure your legacy as an artist.

The complete catalogue of your work on the Pukkart platform
Each work has its own registration certificate.
Scan the label attached to the artwork to verify its authenticity
Attach the Pukkart tag to the work to forever link it to its record on the Blockchain
The AEPE Seal label is inviolable and unforgeable (Infrared, ultraviolet, QR…)